To become a United States citizen, you need to learn about the history of the United States and how its government works. The Learn About the United States: Quick Civics Lessons for the New Naturalization Test brochure is exactly what you need to prepare for the civics portion of your citizenship interview and to pass the naturalization exam.
All naturalization applicants receive a free copy of the booklet.
Our website provides you with a way to test yourself on the content of the brochure. We created Interactive audible flash cards for the New Naturalization Test, covering all of the civics questions that you should study.
We also provide audible Sample Sentences you can practice writing. If you are not familiar with some civics words, you can refer to our civics and history glossary.
Visit the State's Answers page to look up the clickable U.S. Government diagram and information related to your state.
Visit our archive if you failed the Old Naturalization Test.
This website does not contain any legal advice, naturalization forms or U.S. Citizenship procedure explanations. It is a study aid that you can use, free of charge.
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